Main Dishes — thanksgiving

Good Gravy with a Reversed Roux!

Posted by Jill Bosich on

Good Gravy with a Reversed Roux!
OK! So this is a little non-conventional, and a lot of my professional chef friends would probably question my methodology, but I am also going to push forward in sharing with you my technique, because it works every time and results in a silky, velvety and ridiculously delicious sauce that I hesitate to call gravy, because it truly is a refined tasting sauce!

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Thanksgiving Turkey - A Classical Approach

Posted by Jill Bosich on

Thanksgiving Turkey - A Classical Approach
Secondly, as a classically trained chef, there’s something about roasting a turkey, and then yielding from that, the most amazing drippings and broth to make what we know as gravy, but finishes out to be a beautiful sauce. When you deep fry or smoke a turkey, it doesn’t yield the same style of drippings to make a fabulous gravy so that’s where I dig deep into my traditional roots and stick with what I know and look forward to every year.

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